Saturday, December 7, 2013

Book Review : Bangladesh Labour Law by Adv. Helal Uddin ( L.LM from DU)

Bangladeshi Law Books Review 
Verdict :  1 star out of 5
( I want my Money Back!) 
Bangladesh Labour Law 
by Adv. Helal Uddin ( L.LM from DU)
1st Ed, may 2009
3rd Ed, Jan 2013

Fig -1 : Book Cover 

The Good 

 The book is collections of Labour Law 2006 along with three others. 

Fig-2: No Discussion 

The Bad
There is negligible amount "Discussions" on the sections, while the quality is extremely poor.  See Fig-2,  Section -162 "Insolvency of the Proprietor" has no discussion .     

Fig 3: The Merit-less "Discussion" 

The Ugly 
The listed price of the book,  Fig-4 , BDT 600 is just outrageous! The Authour made no use of his knowledge which may have been gathered via getting an L.LM at Dhaka University.  This book is just paper-weight, pages will be best used if made Jhalmuri "ঝালমুড়ি" out of then.     

Fig 4: ISBN & Price 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Book Review : Islamic Jurisprudence and Muslim Law by M. A. Awal

Bangladeshi Law Books
Verdict :  4.1 stars out of 5

Islamic Jurisprudence and Muslim Law 
M. A. Awal 
1st  Edition ( January, 2013)
Pages: 516
Actual Price: 250 (listed 650) 

Fig-1: Book cover

The Good 
This book takes a holistic approach to Islamic Jurisprudence. The Author nicely sighted all the book-authors' names whose writings was useful in developing this book, this is truly exemplary. Many of the discussions reflected authors deep knowledge in the subject matter. The book has covered just about all the topics that could come to ones mind when thinking about Islamic Laws. He has provided English-Terms along with Arabic/Farsi in many places which is useful-knowledge.  The Author made references to specific verses of Al-Quran where necessary, quoted prominent western jurists in many discussions.  The book is presented in four parts, the last part (#4) covers few questions & their answers, which is quite useful.  

Fig-4: the Guidebook Positioning 
The Bad
The author commented at the beginning of the book  "Islam:  a complete code of life", these are subjunctive comments which can not be backed-up with any tangible proof. So this book is full of "Islam Praising" which discourages the merit of questioning/active-thinking which is regrettable.  
Why is the street price only about 1/3 of the listed price !??! ( Fig-2) 
Fig-2: Price & ISBN with Payment Receipt 

The Ugly

The Book provides the syllabus for the bar-exam on page#6 (Fig-3) , however it does not cover Syllabus Item #14 anywhere in the book. I have examined few other books on the same topic by other authors, they cunningly just added the Acts & Laws without any discussion.  While I am please that Mr. Awal did no such thing but how are the participants of the Bar-Exam will prepare without section 14 ?

The book does not make reference to real-life cases, which is a major drawback!
Fig-3: Syllabus 

Last Word: 
 This is only the 1st Edition of the book. The author Mr. M.A. Awal is a Senior Assistant Secretary at  the Law, Justice and Parliament Ministry. I really liked his discussions in forming my opinions and looking forward to future editions/improvements of this book. Well-done Mr. Awal.   

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Book Review : The Limitation Act 1908 by A.A.M. MONIRUZZAMAN

Bangladeshi Law Books
Verdict :  3.0 stars out of 5

3RD  EDITION ( April, 2012)
ISBN: 984-70215-0008-6

Book Cover (Fig-1) 

The Good 

The book arrangement is good,  the ToC layout is useful, the book cites many of the case verdicts with one or two lines of summary which may-be useful for some. Each of the articles are presented in Bangla & English along with a bit of original discussions. Some of the examples in the discussions are really useful.

The Bad 

The case excerpts are too short and often useless as these are without case facts. Some of the original discussion feels like translations, very vague and difficult to grasp the message. The book has hard binding but it is of flimsy materials, not meant to last.

The Ugly

The price of the book on the book cover is 600,  however  it actually sells for ~200, see my receipt in Fig-3.

ISBN & Price (Fig-3) 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Book Review "The Code of Civil Procedure" by A.A.M. MONIRUZZAMAN

Bangladeshi Law Books
Verdict :  2.5 stars out of 5

ISBN: 984-70215-0006-2

The Book in Review [Figure-1]

What is "Bengla" on book cover [Figure#1] ?!!???@@ 

This is a 1140 page fat book with hardcover. Original publication 2003 , now in 7th Edition. In each Chapter (Parts) after stating the CPC-Section in Bangla & English, it directly sights case verdicts without stating any fact ( see Figure #2, page 165 on "Appeal") , so this makes the the case references very much USELESS.

A section on "Original Discussion" is greatly missed through out the book experience. 

These Case Verdicts has fattened the book & eventually the price. 

From page 973 to 1132 this book has a chapter titled "Explanatory Discussion". As I have already said, the discussions should sit right underneath the actual sections, so this ~150 page worth discussion which is presented in a guidebook like "Question & Answer" fashion does not quite cater to some of us who wants relevant history on the development of the section. I guess this way the author placed his product into the guidebook-market.  The Guidebook section skillfully avoids any & all English text .

The book price was actually between 400-450 taka while the on-book listed price is BDT 1380 ?!!? [Figure-3] . 

Other than the discussed flaws the book is fairly Error free and well organized.
The Hardcover binding looks good and durable.