Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Book Review "The Code of Civil Procedure" by A.A.M. MONIRUZZAMAN

Bangladeshi Law Books
Verdict :  2.5 stars out of 5

ISBN: 984-70215-0006-2

The Book in Review [Figure-1]

What is "Bengla" on book cover [Figure#1] ?!!???@@ 

This is a 1140 page fat book with hardcover. Original publication 2003 , now in 7th Edition. In each Chapter (Parts) after stating the CPC-Section in Bangla & English, it directly sights case verdicts without stating any fact ( see Figure #2, page 165 on "Appeal") , so this makes the the case references very much USELESS.

A section on "Original Discussion" is greatly missed through out the book experience. 

These Case Verdicts has fattened the book & eventually the price. 

From page 973 to 1132 this book has a chapter titled "Explanatory Discussion". As I have already said, the discussions should sit right underneath the actual sections, so this ~150 page worth discussion which is presented in a guidebook like "Question & Answer" fashion does not quite cater to some of us who wants relevant history on the development of the section. I guess this way the author placed his product into the guidebook-market.  The Guidebook section skillfully avoids any & all English text .

The book price was actually between 400-450 taka while the on-book listed price is BDT 1380 ?!!? [Figure-3] . 

Other than the discussed flaws the book is fairly Error free and well organized.
The Hardcover binding looks good and durable.