Saturday, December 7, 2013

Book Review : Bangladesh Labour Law by Adv. Helal Uddin ( L.LM from DU)

Bangladeshi Law Books Review 
Verdict :  1 star out of 5
( I want my Money Back!) 
Bangladesh Labour Law 
by Adv. Helal Uddin ( L.LM from DU)
1st Ed, may 2009
3rd Ed, Jan 2013

Fig -1 : Book Cover 

The Good 

 The book is collections of Labour Law 2006 along with three others. 

Fig-2: No Discussion 

The Bad
There is negligible amount "Discussions" on the sections, while the quality is extremely poor.  See Fig-2,  Section -162 "Insolvency of the Proprietor" has no discussion .     

Fig 3: The Merit-less "Discussion" 

The Ugly 
The listed price of the book,  Fig-4 , BDT 600 is just outrageous! The Authour made no use of his knowledge which may have been gathered via getting an L.LM at Dhaka University.  This book is just paper-weight, pages will be best used if made Jhalmuri "ঝালমুড়ি" out of then.     

Fig 4: ISBN & Price