Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Book Review : The Evidence Act by Prof A.K.M. Moniruzzaman of Dhaka Law College

Its the worst book about Bangladeshi Law that I have ever read. It has copied all the sections of 1872 act in Bangla and English  ( which is freely available at bdlaws.minlaw.gov.bd ) along with few DLR/case reference without giving out case facts or discussions.

The author claims he is member of the Bangla Academy, but I have to say that I see no sincerity in prepping the subject matter well for the reader. There is no original discussion even for one paragraph. This should not be even called a book , rather it is the Gazette with few confusing DLR references with a hard binder.

This book is just unbearable, the binding started to break out on Day-1.
I want my money back.